Communal grazing rules re-established on ex-government land in Banyakabungo: Uganda
The Banyakabungo cooperative society was identified as a candidate for SCI-SLM several years ago. The most important feature of the initiative is that grazing land is being managed communally, which is a recent development in the area. The scheme began in 1997, then in 2003 an association was permitted to gain title to grassland previously held by the government.
The chair of the society came up with the idea of managing it sustainably, with about 100 members taking part, each with one “stake” – where one stake is equivalent to one cow – as part of a jointly managed herd. The total area is 186 hectares. Part has been planted with Pinus patula trees and the remainder is managed as grazing land. It is not yet clear whether other animals are grazing alongside the herd of 100 even on this good pasture, a stocking rate of nearly one animal per hectare would be very high. The pasture is in reasonable condition – and could improve further under judicious management.
In Africa, ancient systems of communal land management are breaking down. This case is an exception: could it be that lessons can be learnt by other communities on managing land harmoniously through groups? It appears to qualify as a true social initiative – and possibly a technical innovation.
MSc students' research in Uganda under SCI SLM
Olaf Piers – MSc thesis
“Bwo’kumanya Kwa’bahingi”
In his MSc research project, Olaf Piers focused on farmer knowledge, farmer-to-farmer-learning (FTFL) and lines of
communication between land-based rural communities. FTFL suggests that rural
communities know most about the land that they have lived on for generations
and thus know which practices achieve the best results. However, because the
current system of agricultural extension services is incapable to meet
knowledge demands for smallholder land-users, it is advised to look towards
more innovative approaches that integrate modern media and ICT in the provision
of extension services and knowledge diffusion.
The objective of the
research was to identify the perceptions of smallholder land-users in Uganda
regarding the most commonly used (in local terms) channels for knowledge
diffusion. These are 1.) Farmer-to-farmer, 2.) Government extension services,
3.) Text message information services; and 4.) Agricultural radio broadcasts.
Two land-based
(innovative) communities in Uganda (respectively “Banyakabungo Cooperative
Society” in Ntungamo district and “Bandera 2000” in Kamuli district) were
visited under the auspices of project SCI-SLM in order to find out how people
received or shared information about land management.
The participatory field
research was designed to answer the question of how farmer knowledge is best
spread by looking into farmers’ perceptions of the quality of each medium and
making recommendations on how this can be improved. Reflecting on the findings,
it can be said that no ‘best practice’ exists regarding communication channels
through which to diffuse agricultural knowledge. Combining the strengths of
multiple information sources can increase information uptake. Where one
information source lacks in perceived quality, another surpasses it. Combining
different information channels can thus partially compensate for shortcomings
of others.
Several recommendations
have been devised based on the findings of the research and the conclusions
that were drawn. They are meant to improve the dissemination of agricultural
and SLM knowledge and innovation and serve as a blueprint for further research
and / or generalized statements regarding the effects of media on local
innovation and SLM sharing initiatives as perceived by rural smallholder
1.) It is advised to keep short-term focus on the discussed
media channels (i.e. text message information services, radio, farmer-to-farmer
knowledge exchange and government extension / NAADS); it is recommended to combine the best qualities of each
channel by closer cooperation
between them;
2.) Government should increase support of rural radio
stations. Support could come in the form of e.g. salaries for specialist
personnel; training; donation of equipment; or the provision of technical
3.) Similarly, it is suggested to promote
the closer cooperation between
the larger national media and
rural radio stations. National media could offer training and studio
facilities, while rural radio stations can in return share new agricultural
4.) What was found to be an important
aspect of knowledge uptake is the active
inclusion of innovating farmers in information diffusion;
5.) Additionally, the quality of the knowledge of
smallholder farmers should be
stressed as it was found that the quality of other farmers as an information
source is perceived as fairly low;
6.) Farmers prefer not to deviate from existing activities, as
this would add to the level of risk. The simplicity of an innovation should
therefore be taken into account during policy planning and when designing
farmer-workshops as this is expected to increase farmer uptake the innovation;
7.) With respect to communication range,
most rural land-users do not know many people outside their immediate surroundings.
However, business can be encouraged through a
communication platform that identifies farmers’ requirements and connects them
to the most suitable match.
Link to full summary: Bwo’kumanya Kwa’bahingi -
summary SCI-SLM
Eva van de Ven – MSc thesis “Communities taking the lead”
Within the SCI-SLM methodology, social en technical community innovations are distinguished. The latter has received quite some attention where social innovation has been lagging behind. This research focused on identifying and analysing processes of social innovation and its role in improving sustainable land management. In the research context, social innovation is conceptualised as “the process of creating or renewing systems of social order and cooperation which govern the behaviour of a set of individuals within a given human community with the aim to improve agriculture and the environment and strengthen livelihoods”. In addition, and according to SCI-SLM mandate, social innovations require to be:
- new in local terms;
- developed by the local community/group
- with no/little help from outside
- and preferably, having potential for spread.
By applying a participatory and qualitative research design, two communities in Uganda (Banyakabungo Cooperative Society and BANDERA 2000) under the ‘SCI-SLM radar’ were visited to find evidence of social innovation and to analyse the true potential of this farmer innovation type for improving agriculture and people’s livelihoods. Since land degradation and problems of agricultural production is not only a technical problem but is embedded in a broader social, economic and political context (the integrated sustainable land management approach), issues of inequality, lack of education, sickness, gender, lack of ownership and access to information, inappropriate policy-making, and so forth were looked at.
The two research objectives:
I.) To define social innovation as a rather new concept as part of farmer innovation methodology in the field of SLM under SCI-SLM auspices; finding evidence for its development in the field and analysing its impacts in two rural land-based communities in Uganda.
II.) The secondary aim concerns the not yet fully developed SCI-SLM methodology relating to social innovation; how to analyse social innovation in the field is reassessed and refined where necessary and possible.
The central question of the research was: ‘what forms of social innovation can be found under ‘Stimulating Community Initiatives in Sustainable Land Management Uganda, what are on-the-ground impacts, and how relevant is its recognition for improved sustainable land management?’
In both visited communities evidence of social innovation was found. In Banyakabungo, livestock is communally managed on a 186 ha. piece of land (collective ownership) and cattle is well looked after. The group secures its 107 members of land ownership and applies a democratic system of governance to make decisions about the land and the group’s assets. This initiative did not only improve land husbandry, but it also secured the Banyakabungo people of a more sustainable income.
The second visited community, BANDERA 2000, was first and foremost set up with the aim to fight poverty and improve the people’s livelihoods by helping them earning an income while working on the land together and supporting one another (sharing knowledge). At the moment of the visit, the group was thinking about new initiatives to own communal land (again) and produce fruits for the local market. Currently they have 350 members, of which the majority is female. Concentrating especially on empowerment and gender equality, the aim of this group is to spread the use of sustainable agricultural practices and to fight poverty, sickness and lack of knowledge and education by earning a more stable income from production from the land.
By working together in this collective fashion and involving multiple people to contribute and benefit, the communities in this research both addressed those social issues that hamper agricultural development as well as social and economic development in their society.
Apart from these findings, the SCI-SLM methodology and requirements for a ‘good’ social innovation were reassessed and adjusted. The criteria test wherein a social innovation is ‘approved’ in SCI-SLM terms is S R I: Sustainability, Replicability and Inclusiveness. Learning from the field, different aspects important to sustainable land management have been identified and included in the proposed requirements test for a good social innovation: S E R FIELD: Sustainability, Efficiency, Replicability, Future vision, Inclusiveness, Empowerment, Leadership and Democracy.
Link to full summary: Communities taking the lead - summary SCI SLM